Evaluation seminar: High-Content Analysis system for fixed and live cell assays
Do you want to capture every detail of fixed or live cells with perfect efficiency? Then you…
Do you want to capture every detail of fixed or live cells with perfect efficiency? Then you…
Les neurones es comuniquen a través de les sinapsis i de les molècules neurotransmissores, i les disfuncions…
L’epilèpsia és una síndrome cerebral crònica que es caracteritza per crisis recurrents degudes a una descàrrega excessiva…
18 de març a les 11:30h, Sala Pau Viladiu del Duran i Reynals. Títol de la tesi:…
Role of the NADPH oxidase NOX4 in the regulation of Endoplasmic Reticulum (ES) stress in liver tumor…
Blood concentrations of trace elements and pancreatic cancer risk in the EPIC cohort Mareike Gröninger – Nutrition…
We are pleased to announce the recent addition of the Beckman Coulter CytoFLEX LX Analyzer to our Flow Cytometry…
Genetically engineered mouse models are increasingly used as avatars for the diseases they model, yielding mechanistic insight…
link de youtube per on es retransmetrà online la sessió: https://www.youtube.com/live/iJSaLXn06jU
Modelling the Origin of Glioblastoma in Mismatch Repair Deficiency Syndromes Manuel Torralba Carnerero – Hereditary cancer group…