#IDIBELLfellows: Romina Miranda / Marta Valle

07/10/2020 15:00-16:00

Room 205 – Nou aulari UB-Bellvitge
Microsoft Teams Meeting

#IDIBELLconnect: Novel clinical and translational research approaches to mesothelioma, an orphan tumor

Ernest Nadal

Group Leader at Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL), Clinical Research in Solid Tumors Group, Oncobell Program
Head of Section of Thoracic, Brain and Head and Neck Tumors, Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO), Department of Medical Oncology
Associate Professor, University of Barcelona, Department of Clinical Sciences, Campus Bellvitge

09/10/2020 13:00-14:00

Microsoft Teams Meeting

Career Day 2020

21/10/2020 -

21-22 October 2020
This event is being held online

La recerca en temps de pandèmia

Dra. Maria Ángeles Domínguez
Dr. Xavier Solanich

21/10/2020 19:00-

VII Programa de excelencia en el abordaje del paciente con EM de alta actividad

Unitat EM HUB

22/10/2020 -

22-23 Octubre 2020

Sala d’actes Bellvitge University hospital 9.00h

#IDIBELLconnect: RANK a novel therapeutic target in breast cancer

Speaker Eva Gonzalez-Suarez

Transformation and Metastasis Group, Oncobell Program

06/11/2020 13:00-14:00

PhD Day 2020

12/11/2020 -

12-13 November 2020
this event is being held online

#IDIBELLconnect: Generation of protective immunity against infections by removing non-neutralizing/blocking antibodies

Rafael Máñez

Group Leader at the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL), Innate Immunity and Pathology of the Critical Patient Group, Infectious disease and transplantation Program
Director of Intensive Care Department at Bellvitge University Hospital

20/11/2020 13:00-14:00

Microsoft Teams Meeting

Xerrades Sinergia

Òscar Martínez Tirado
Marta Barrachina
Gabriela Jiménez
Anna Veiga
Esteve Fernandez
Susana Jiménez
Rafael Máñez
Mònica Povedano
Miquel Àngel Pujana
Laia Alemany
Montse Nacher

28/11/2020 10:00-19:00

Online i en directe:

#IDIBELLconnect: The mTOR-LARP1 axis and the anabolic reservoir of tumor cells: A new therapeutic target in colorectal cancer and beyond

Antonio Gentilella

Metabolism and Cancer Group, Oncobell Program, Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL)
Department of Physiology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Barcelona

04/12/2020 13:00-14:00

Microsoft Teams Meeting

#IDIBELLconnect: Immunotherapeutic potential of oncolytic Vaccinia viruses

Juan Jose Rojas

Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL)
Unitat d’Immunologia, Departament de Patologia i Terapèutica Experimental, Universitat de Barcelona

18/12/2020 13:00-14:00

Microsoft Teams Meeting

#IDIBELLfellows: Gisele Priscila Soares de Aguiar & Adrián Holguín Horcajo

Deciphering the role of extracellular matrix towards amyotrophic lateral sclerosis pathogenesis Gisele Priscila Soares de Aguiar –…

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Alimentació i salut: Epidemiologia nutricional

De com els estudis nutricionals ens permeten prendre consciència, tant a les autoritats com a la població…

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#IDIBELLseminars: Unlocking the Brain’s Gatekeeper: LRP1/Syndapin-2 Pathway as a New Avenue for Therapy

The brain’s vasculature, with its selective endothelial cells, forms the blood-brain barrier (BBB), regulating molecular transport between…

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Claves clínicas – Urgencias en neurología

7 y 14 Noviembre 2024 Aulario Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Barcelona (Campus Bellvitge) Inscripciones: unitatem@bellvitgehospital.cat Programa

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III Gala Solidària ALIPANC

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#IDIBELLseminars: How to lie with statistics to a scientist

Beyond qualitative research, all modern science is quantitative. Depending on study design, reporting results is guided by…

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#IDIBELLseminars: Leveraging the tumor microenvironment to tackle Metastasis

How do tumor cells exploit the microenvironment to promote cancer progression? Over the last decades, our understanding…

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#IDIBELLfellows: Laura Moya Borrego

Exploring the antitumor activity of the pore-forming toxin parasporin as a candidate transgene for oncolytic adenoviruses Laura…

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Workshop “Revolutionizing Biopharma”

12 de Novembre. 9:00 h -15:00 h Organitzat pels Serveis Científico-tècnics de l’IDIBELL. Adreçat a personal extern…

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Homenatge a la Dra. Virginia Nunes Martínez

Catedràtica de la UB i investigadora de l’IDIBELL Divendres, 22 de novembre de 2024. De 15:30 h…

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