Cell Biology Werfen seminar: Specificity is key!
This October 19th at 10:00 will take place the Cell Biology Werfen Seminar titled “Specificity is key!”….
This October 19th at 10:00 will take place the Cell Biology Werfen Seminar titled “Specificity is key!”….
A càrrec del professor Masaomi Iyo, Catedràtic del Departament de Psiquiatria l’Escola de Medicina de la Universitat…
The world has recently experienced a decline in male reproductive (e.g. sperm counts and motility) and metabolic…
Dimarts 17 d’octubre A l’Auditori Barradas 11-13:30 h Atenció integral en el càncer de mama. Amb professionals…
Dissabte 21 d’octubre A l’Hospital Duran i Reynals 10:30 h i 11:30 h IDIescape: l’escape…
Exploring the effects of (S)-ketamine on the dopaminergic system using fiber photometry Arianna Rizzo Neuropharmacology and pain…
We are pleased to announce that the PhD Day 2023 event will be held on Friday, 10th November at the UB Bellvitge Campus, with a…
Quantitative microscopy techniques such as super-resolution imaging are made possible by computational analysis. Our open-source platforms are…
Use of proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in psychiatry and mental health Pamela Chavarría Elizondo Psychiatry and Mental…
Data: Dijous 26 de Octubre 2023 Hora: Tarda de 16:0h a 19:h Seu: Sala d’actes de l’Hospital…