#IDIBELLfellows: Sandra Garcia Mulero / Ignacio Martínez Zalacaín
Bioinformatic approach for characterization of the immune microenvironment in metastatic samples Sandra Garcia Mulero Colorectal Cancer Group…
Bioinformatic approach for characterization of the immune microenvironment in metastatic samples Sandra Garcia Mulero Colorectal Cancer Group…
Beyond the current tobacco control legislation. Do europeans support further policies? Attitudes and associated factors Thesis by…
Durante mucho tiempo, la industria del tabaco ha estado interfiriendo en las políticas de control del tabaco…
Sinergia reservarà espais per als estudiants del Campus Bellvitge de la Universitat de Barcelona, que el dimecres…
Amb el suport de: Dijous 18 de novembre, l’Auditori de L’Harmonia (pl. Josep Bordonau i Balaguer, 6,…
Dissabte 20 de novembre, l’IDIBELL celebrarà el seu Dia de portes obertes, a l’Hospital Duran i Reynals,…
18 – 19 November 2021, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat Join us for our 2nd Career Day at IDIBELL,…
Redox and metabolic homeostasis mediated by NOX4 in hepatocellular carcinoma Irene Peñuelas TGF-beta and Cancer Group …
From October 25 to 31, this worldwide event is celebrating the Open Science movement and intends to…
Being a Curious Music-Mind: the Sónar-IDIBELL experiment The neuroscientific team from IDIBELL and the University of Barcelona…