
¡idiBELL Christmas and happy 2019!

Christmas card from Zoe López, a student of Institut Bellvitge

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IDIBELL and Bellvitge University Hospital develop a new treatment to fight against hospital infections

The new treatment would prevent more than 4 million patients admitted to the Intensive Care Units (ICU) worldwide from developing infections that need antibiotics

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Ruth Rodríguez Barrueco, L’Oréal-UNESCO Research Award “For Women in Science”

IDIBELL – University of Barcelona researcher Ruth Rodríguez Barrueco has been awarded one of the five L’Oréal-UNESCO Research Awards “For Women in Science” in its 2018-19 call. The award, worth € 15,000, will support and promote the project carried out by Dr. Rodríguez-Barrueco, which focuses on the discovery of new targets for breast cancer treatment. Breast […]

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The ‘Viladecans Against Cancer’ Association Coordinator raises 20.000 euros for research on metastasis of unknown origin cancer in IDIBELL

During the course of an open ‘paella’ that brought together eight hundred people in the Cúbic space of Viladecans, the Association Viladecans Against Cancer officially offered a 20,000 euros check to IDIBELL for the investigation of a new treatment for cancer metastasis of unknown origin, led by Dr. Manel Esteller (Epigenetics and Cancer Biology program […]

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IDIBELL-ICO and VHIO public outreach to promote the importance of translational research in improving outcomes for patients with prostate cancer

Pioneered by Virgil H. Simons, Founder and President of the patient education and advocacy group The Prostate Net, an annual series of workshops and symposia aimed at increasing public awareness on and around the importance of cancer science and clinical discovery in advancing precision medicine cancer care for patients suffering from prostate cancer has just launched. Co-organized […]

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The 4th edition of the charity sports day Sosciathlon collects € 18,000 for IDIBELL research

The association has made two donations of € 9,000 to the research groups of Dr. Miguel Gil and Dr. Jordi Guardiola, IDIBELL researchers and doctors from the Catalan Institute of Oncology and the Bellvitge University Hospital.

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