
“The research will bring us the knowledge to be able to attack the pandemic” Sebastià Videla

Sebastià tested positive for COVID-19 on March 24, and in this interview, he tells us how he has lived the confinement since then and the reflections he has reached.

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Nutrient deficiency in tumor cells attracts cells that suppress the immune system

A study led by IDIBELL researchers and published in the American journal PNAS shows that, by depriving tumor cells of glucose, they release a large number of signaling molecules.

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Regulatory pathways unveiled for a key enzyme in retinal photoreceptor cell physiology

Depending on the levels of illumination, the enzyme IMPDH1 is regulated at many levels, allowing to adapt the excitability of the photoreceptors.

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The health department will finance 3 IDIBELL’s projects on COVID-19

The projects include new therapies, the use of commercialized drugs for other indications and genetic studies, and some could reach the population before the end of the year.
The IDIBELL and the Bellvitge University Hospital projects are led by the groups of Dr. Jordi Carratalá, Dr. Rafael Mañez, and Dr. Xavier Solanich.
The call has been promoted by the General Directorate of Research and Innovation in Health (DGRI) with the collaboration of AQuAS and Biocat.

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A pilot study of the sequencing of the intestinal microbiota establishes the basis for the search of early detection markers of colon cancer

In this pilot study, they used colon biopsies samples and feces samples from nine patients to compare two sequencing methods. It has been defined the appropriate bioinformatic analysis methods for this type of study.

Leer más about A pilot study of the sequencing of the intestinal microbiota establishes the basis for the search of early detection markers of colon cancer

An alternative drug to antibiotics receives the boost from the CaixaImpulse Consolidate program

An alternative to the use of antibiotics created by the group of Dr. Rafael Mañez, from the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL) and the Bellvitge University Hospital (HUB), has been selected by the CaixaImpulse Consolidate program. The project will receive funding of up to 300,000 euros and personalized support in the transfer process to the […]

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IDIBELL announces that it will baptize its spaces with the name of world-renowned women scientist

March 8 marks the International Women’s Day. With the aim of giving visibility and vindicating the decisive role that the women scientists have had throughout history, IDIBELL has announced an action in coming weeks. In recent years there have been important organizational changes in the IDIBELL research environment, such as the creation of Research Programs, […]

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The papillomavirus vaccine prevents 90% of cervical cancers

An international multicenter study provides, for the first time, global estimations of the impact of human papillomavirus (HPV), and its vaccine, on the main types of associated cancer.
The research, the most rigorous and the widest to the date, has collected more than 18,000 samples from 50 countries.
The results reveal the high impact of the HPV vaccine on cancer prevention, being able to prevent 90% of cervical cancer.

Leer más about The papillomavirus vaccine prevents 90% of cervical cancers

IDIBELL holds the Kickoff Meeting AES 2019 Health Research Projects funded by the ISCIII

Last 27th of February, IDIBELL Kickoff Meeting AES 2019 took place at Mariano Rovira’s room from Duran and Reynals Hospital. This event was aimed at all researchers that have been awarded the Health Research Project in the “2019 Convene of the Strategic Action in Health 2017-2020” of Health Institute Carlos III. During the session, inaugurated […]

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