IDIBELL celebrates the International Day of Women and Girls in Science
At IDIBELL, we join in the visualization of women and girls in science on February 11. Over the next few days, we will organize seminars, campaigns on social networks and, we will celebrate the 4th sLHam of women scientists.
IDIBELL launches its International Ph.D. Training Program
Today is the official presentation of the International Ph.D. Training Program and personalities involved in the program will give us some details about it.
World Cancer Day
At IDIBELL we know that research saves lives. That is why we work every day to do our bit in the search for a new treatment, a new method for early detection or understanding cancer-related processes.
Depletion of NOX4 protein improves liver regeneration
A group from IDIBELL, CIBEREHD and UB shows that mice that do not express the NOX4 protein recover liver tissue more quickly after resection.
A new algorithm classifies different types of sarcoma
An international study has developed a new algorithm that classifies a wide range of sarcomas according to their molecular patterns.
Aptadel, the new IDIBELL’s spinoff
Aptadel Therapeutics is a preclinical company co-founded by IDIBELL focused on developing a new platform for targeted therapy against cancer.
Cancer’s Key Vulnerabilities found by Big Data Analysis
The study lead by Columbia University, in collaboration with IDIBELL and ICO, analysed thousands of tumours. They found that the key genetic programs necessary for the survival of cancer cells are controlled by only 24 modules, each one comprising only a handful of Master Regulators proteins working in concert.
2020 highlights!
2020 is coming to its end, a year with great difficulties and challenges. However, this year, more than ever, we have proved the strength of our research.