
Gain-EC: Endometrial cancer

Problema a solucionar

Currently, there are limitations in endometrial cancer diagnose, even more accentuated in bleeding post-menopausal women. The main problems detected are: 1) Gold standard is an invasive method and 2) Biopsies are uninformative in a large proportion of women.


Oportunitats de mercat

In Europe, 1-2 out of 100 women will suffer this disease, with more than 88.000 women diagnosed in Europe. This test costs 310€, which is cost-effective. The forecast 2030 of Europe and United Kingdom is of 1.5B$.


Our asset is a non-invasive test from urine samples designed to identify endometrial cancer and its molecular subtype with the evaluation of somatic mutations and computerized analysis of cytologic images from urine samples. It not only provides a positive/negative result, but also identifies the molecular group (POLE mutated/TP53 mutated) recommended by the ESMO guidelines. It allows early identification of the most appropriate clinical approach and disease monitoring.


Laura Costas

Technology Readiness Level


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Co-development or investment

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