Early detection of vomit behaviour in patients with eating disorders
Problema a solucionar
Eating Disorders (ED) patients, specifically those with bulimic/purgative Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa and other specified feeding or eating disorder (OSFED), present vomiting behaviour. These patients represent 70% of the total cases that attend to a specialized Unit for an eating disorder. Up to now, the only way to detect a vomiting behaviour, and therefore to adequately diagnose these patients, is self-reported behaviour by the patient or relatives. There is no biological marker that allows identifying the presence of vomiting behaviour in these patients.
Oportunitats de mercat
Prevalence is around 4.1-4.5% rate between 12- and 21-years old population. The estimation suggests that there are 20 million people with EDs only in Europe. Global ED therapy market is estimated to be 475.5M USD in 2020 and 763.8 M USD in 2029, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.8% in the period of 2022-2029. Currently, there are no devices or methods for clinically detect the presence of vomit behavior in the market. European patent (EP23382499) with priority date of 26 May 2023 has been filed. Clinical trials have been carried out with a total of 54 patients, 27 for control group and 27 for vomit behavior group, with a positive result (p < 0.001).
The present invention allows the diagnostic and monitoring of purging behaviour as well as its severity in patients with EDs, at an early stage, using saliva samples, that can be collected non-invasively and simply, being able to complement the classical tools used up to now. The invention proposes an in-vitro kit including one or more primer pairs able to amplify the bacteria belonging to a selected genus as a tool for the detection of vomit behaviour.
Fernando Fernández Aranda
Technology Readiness Level
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