Physiology and pathology of the functional relationship between glia and neurons


Chloride is the most abundant anion in organisms. The plasma-membrane chloride channels of the CLC and LRRC8 family are important for various physiological functions, such as regulation of nerve- and muscle-cell excitability, both in terms of cell-volume regulation and transepithelial transport. The physiological roles of various chloride channels are illustrated in human hereditary diseases caused by mutations in the genes or auxiliary subunits which regulate their functions. This group’s aim is therefore to try to understand chloride-channel regulation in order to provide therapeutic solutions to patients affected by this. The group has a multidisciplinary approach, applying imaging methods, electrophysiology and biochemistry in mice and zebrafish models.



Estevez Povedano, Raul

Estevez Povedano, Raul

Principal investigators

Estevez Povedano, Raul

Estevez Povedano, Raul


López Hernández, Tania


Errasti Murugarren, Ekaitz


Group Leaders
  • Estevez Povedano, Raul
Principal investigators
Postdoctoral researchers
Predoctoral researchers
Scientific support
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