IDIBELL scientists identify a key regulator of the acquisition of immune tolerance to tumor cells in cancer patients
The tumoral microenvironment subverts immune cell function A key regulator of myeloid derived suppressor cells and the possibility of reverting its effects on immune fucntion Article citation
El Campus de Bellvitge acoge la exposición ‘María Sklodowska-Curie, una polaca en París’
Una muestra para reivindicar la figura de Marie Curie María Sklodowska-Curie
Success of the “H2020 Opportunities” informative session
On September 21st, an “Oportunidades en H2020 SC1 2018-20” workshop was held in the Pau Viladiu hall of Duran i Reynals Hospital. This session was jointly organized by IDIBELL’s Research Support Office and ICO’s Research Management Unit on the occasion of the imminent opening of calls for the Work Program of the H2020 Social Challenge […]
Communiqué from the universities and research centres of Catalonia
Today, the highest representatives of the universities and research centres of Catalonia (60 institutions, representing around 90% of the university and research community) have met to assess the current situation in Catalonia resulting from the actions of the Spanish Government over the last few days. The meeting was also attended by representatives of the trade […]
A group of lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) patients attend a talk on the disease and advances
David J. Kwiatkowski, a professor of medicine at Harvard University and an oncologist specializing in thoracic oncology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, was responsible for explaining the advances in genetics and clinical trials being conducted to combat the disease What is LAM?
IDIBELL will foster three INPhINIT young researchers
The INPhINIT doctoral grants from La Caixa Obra Social will allow IDIBELL to offer a three-year contract to the researchers
El Grupo CataLands Solidaris da 10.000 euros al Programa ProCURE
El dinero recogido servirá para desarrollar un proyecto de inmunoterapia que lideran los investigadores Ramon Alemany y Josep Mª Piulats Fin de Semana Solidario del Automóvil en Llinars Quienes son los CataLands Solidaris?
IDIBELL joins the Barcelona Bioinformatics Association
The Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL) has officially joined the Bioinformatics Barcelona Association (BIB), a non-profit organization focused on the development of the field of bioinformatics in Catalonia. Established in 2015, the BIB currently comprises 53 major institutions related to the bioinformatics sector – universities, research centers, hospitals, major scientific infrastructures, companies and other partners. […]
Dr. Manel Esteller receives the Falcó Carlemany Award
Manel Esteller, director of the epigenetics and cancer biology program at IDIBELL, ICREA researcher and professor at the University of Barcelona has been awarded the Falcó Carlemany Award for the social impact of his cancer research. The Falcó Carlemany Award is awarded to a person or entity for their contributions to relevant, high-impact social projects. […]