
Xavier Bosch receives the ”V” de Vida Award by Queen Letizia

This prize is awarded annually by the AECC to people and/or organizations that have distinguished themselves through their collaboration in the fight against cancer An awarded career

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Hotel Barcelona Princess raises funds against X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy

On September 25, the research group in Neurometabolic diseases at IDIBELL, led by Aurora Pujol, received € 4,261 raised through the crowdfunding platform ‘mi grano de arena’ and the charity challenge Garmin-Barcelona-Triathlon for research on X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy, a rare neurodegenerative disease that affects mainly children between 4 and 10 years. The donation was made through […]

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IDIBELL’s director proposes transversality in research in an article published in La Vanguardia

On Sunday September 27 the newspaper La Vanguardia published an article signed by Jaume Reventós, director of the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute(IDIBELL) about to combine efforts in biomedicine. In the article the director of IDIBELL advocates a “strategic rethinking of biomedical research.” He remembers that the enemy to defeat is disease either as cancer, diabetes […]

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Cafè de la Innovació’ launched

On September 18 was held for the first Cafè de la innovació” at the University Hospital of Bellvitge. It is an initiative of the Innovation Unit at IDIBELL to share innovative experiences in the field of healthcare in a relaxed manner for thirty minutes, sipping a cup of coffee. The first talk was given by […]

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CaixaImpulse funds a project for early detection of Alzheimer’s disease

The project led by Marta Barrachina from the the Institute of Neuropathology at the University Hospital of Bellvitge and IDIBELL, has been selected to enter the CaixaImpulse program, a unique initiative in Spain born with the aim of promoting the transformation of scientific knowledge in companies field of life sciences and health. This project has […]

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FAN1, a novel gene for hereditary colon cancer

The group of Laura Valle at the Hereditary Cancer Program of the Catalan Institute of Oncology, IDIBELL, aims at identifying new genes for hereditary colon cancer. Through the application of techniques based on massively parallel sequencing to study of the coding parts of the genome, the researchers have identified causal mutations for hereditary colorectal cancer […]

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The HUB performs the first MRI in Spain to an obsessive patient treated with deep brain stimulation

To date, patients with brain implants could not undergo neuroimaging scans for security reasons FIS research project of the Institute of Health Carlos III Reference in Spain

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Xenopat launches website

Orthotopic models and personalized medicine The partners

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