International Open Access Week 2022 – Webinars
from 24 to 30 October
The International Open Access Week is back and from the IDIBELL we would like to invite you to join a number of webinars on Open Access that are being promoted on the occasion of this event:
Webinar “Los beneficios de la Ciencia Abierta para los investigadores”
What is Open Scince? How can OS benefit researchers’ careers? Bianca Amaro, president of the Red de Repositorios de Acceso Abierto a la Ciencia – LA Referencia, will deal with these relevant questions in a webinar organized by the CSUC (Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya).
- When? Tuesday, October 25th; 15:00 h – 16:00 h
- Where? https://www.csuc.cat/ca/agenda/xerrada-sobre-los-beneficios-de-la-ciencia-abierta-para-los-investigadores
Webinar series “Investigación, datos y docencia: tan abiertos como sea necesario”
A series of webinars organized by the REBIUN (Red de Bibliotecas Universitarias Españolas):
• Monday, October 24th; 10:00 h – 11:00 h. Acceso Abierto y la nueva Ley de Ciencia
• Wednesday, October 26th; 10:00 h – 11:00 h. ¿FAIR o no FAIR?, he ahí la gestión de datos
• Friday, October 28th; 10:00 h – 11:00 h. La guía de recursos educativos abiertos (Kit de REA): cómo crearlos, usarlos, reutilizarlos y compartirlos
• Where? https://www.rebiun.org/acceso-abierto/investigacion-datos-y-docencia-tan-abiertos-como-sea-necesario
**You can find more information about events organized by Spanish universities at the REBIUN Open Access website https://www.rebiun.org/acceso-abierto/general
Webinars series “OpenAIRE services and Climate Justice” and “Open Science impact in policy making for climate change”
OpenAIRE contributes to the OAW2022 initiatives with interactive sessions and thought-provoking panel discussions connected to the theme of this year “Open for Climate Justice”. All sessions are virtual, free and open to all.
- When? From Monday, October 24h to Friday, October 28th; 11:00 h – 12:15 h/16:00 h
- Where? https://www.openaire.eu/oaweek2022
Webinar “An Introduction to Open Research Europe”
In this webinar we will learn: (1) about the unique publishing model utilized on Open Research Europe; (2) how to benefit from post-publication open peer review; and (3) how to participate in open science.
- When? Friday, October 28th; 11:00 h – 12:00 h
- Where? https://www.openaire.eu/events/eventdetail/1062/349/an-introduction-to-open-research-europe
JOIN THE CONVERSATION AT #OAweek AND #OpenForClimateJustice !!