#IDIBELLseminars: Your brain hallucinates through your gut microbiome
José-Manuel Fernández-Real
University of Girona
Sala de Graus (Aulari) – UB Campus Bellvitge
The study of the gut microbiome and its relationship with metabolic disease has emerged in recent years. Diverse studies hinted at bacterial microbiome dysbiosis as having a substantial impact on the pathophysiology and development of obesity and type 2 diabetes. The gut microorganism ecology interacts with metabolic impairment and could play a role in the systemic traits of those prevalent metabolic diseases. Interestingly, recent research has revealed a link between gut bacteria composition and functionality with cognition. In addition, some bacteriophages such as Caudovirales were associated with enhanced executive function and immediate memory.
Hosted by Pablo M Garcia-Roves
Nutrition, Metabolism and Gene Therapy group
He is currently the Director of the Department of Medical Sciences at the School of Medicine (University of Girona), Scientific Director of the “FatBank”, a nation-wide Biobank specialized in adipose tissue. He is Principal Investigator and member of the Steering Committee of the CIBERobn. He received his M.D. and Ph.D. degrees from University of Barcelona. He has carried extensive research in the study of obesity, insulin resistance and associated metabolic disorders. Noteworthy are the recent articles that describe the interplay of the microbiota with metabolic diseases and cognition, published in Nature Medicine (2017, 2018), Cell Metabolism (2020, 2022), Cell Host & Microbe (2022), J Clin Invest (2022), Microbiome (2020, 2021, 2022), ISME J (2022) and Nature Reviews Endocrinol (2022).