Career Day 2020
21-22 October 2020
This event is being held online
Join us for a two-day event full of professional development in the Bellvitge campus. Learn from experts and professionals about career options in biomedical science. This event is open to IDIBELL members.
Panel I: Opportunities and benefits of an academic career
There are many reasons why you may decide to pursue a career in academia: teaching, mentoring students, follow your interests, freedom over your time, do what you love, autonomy, collaboration opportunities, and travel to name a few. Four IDIBELL researchers will talk about the benefits and opportunities of pursuing an academic career and how to prepare to apply for a tenure-track position and obtain funding from major national and European agencies in order to become an independent researcher. Panelist will also discuss about their motivations and how to prepare to face the challenges of securing a job in academia.
David Vaquero
Researcher, IDIBELL
Proyecto Retos Investigación para Jóvenes Investigadores, Ministry of Science and Innovation
Meritxell Rovira
Group leader, IDIBELL
Ramón y Cajal program, Ministry of Science and Innovation
Álvaro Aytés
Group leader, IDIBELL
Miguel Servet program, Acción Estratégica en Salud, Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Barbara Rivera
Researcher, IDIBELL
Scholarships and Grants for Research and Innovation 2019 program, “laCaixa” Foundation
Panel II: What you should know about jobs in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries
For PhD graduates considering careers outside academia, and particularly in the biotech and pharma industries, four panelists will share their experiences and career paths that lead to their current positions and discuss on soft and hard skills that are in demand for today’s biomedical job market.
Núria Cabello
Senior drug Safety Officer, Asphalion
Anna Perearnau
Project Research Scientist, Diagnostics Grifols
Ignasi Sahún
Chief Marketing Officer, ZeClinics
Laura Martín
Medical Advisor, Novartis
Panel III: What other alt-careers are out there for me with a PhD?
While many PhD graduates are drawn to a career in the life science industry, others decide to find roles that keep them connected to science to some extent yet away from research. Changing roles can be daunting, but there are plenty of steps you can take to initiate this process while in academia. Four panelists will talk about their career paths and how they transitioned to their current roles in science communication, information technology and analytics, management and entrepreneurship.
Ester Rodríguez
Project Manager, IDIBELL
Michele Catanzaro
Freelance science writer and journalist
Marco Straccia
Susanna Riqué
Content Manager, Biomedicine Group, Clarivate Analytics
Keynote: Breaking the silos
Marco Straccia
Keynote: Intellectual property
Mario de la Cuesta
Project Manager, Innovation Portfolio Unit, IDIBELL
Workshop: CV and cover letter writing
Iñaki Goyenache
People Area Director, ieTeam Consulting
Contact information: Areté Team: arete@idibell.cat