Psycho-oncology and digital health (PSODIG)


The Psycho-oncology and Digital Health group is made up of nineteen researchers with multidisciplinary composition but with a common expertise in mental health research. In fact, the group is mainly integrated by clinical psychologists, psycho-oncologists and health psychologist, but it also includes nurses, technology managers, a psychopedagogist and a neuropsychologist.

The main objectives of the group for the next three years are oriented to coordinate, align, and manage all research activities to PSODIG scientific challenges. These scientific challenges include establishing the differential efficacy of innovative psycho-oncological treatments in the cancer continuum, determine factors for therapeutic communication and alliance in digital cancer interventions, promoting the scalability of the interventions to facilitate access to health and psychosocial care in cancer and to create, implement and test a digital ecosystem to deliver cognitive rehabilitation in cancer. Also, some team members collaborate with the Cancer Strategy of the Ministry of Health (National Health Service) through the Observatory of Psychosocial Cancer Care of the ICO, carrying out studies to improve the psychological care offered at the centre.

To collect data, the group uses validated questionnaires for cancer population and has implemented a data collection circuit including online questionnaires to ensure data quality and privacy, also giving flexibility to patients to answer at their best convenience. For the analysis of the collected data, the group applies a combination of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods resulting from its multidisciplinary composition, as well as the combination of sociodemographic, clinical, and cost-effectivity data, with a patient-based approach as a priority.

Other specific areas of development are the use of information and communication technologies in psychological support or therapeutic adherence, which can be useful for improving care in a process of healthcare equity.





Ochoa Arnedo, Cristian

Principal investigators


Ochoa Arnedo, Cristian


Serra Blasco, Maria


Gil Moncayo, Francisco


Group leaders
  • Ochoa Arnedo, Cristian
Principal investigators
Postdoctoral researchers
Predoctoral researchers
Scientific support
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