Regenerative Medicine program - RegenBell
The Regenerative Medicine program integrates basic and applied research and works together with the Stem Cell Bank. The activities of the Research Center focus on research on regenerative medicine, which makes use of cell and tissue therapy to replace cells and tissues damaged or lost as a result of degenerative diseases. These research lines have potential uses in the fields of clinical application like cardiovascular medicine, neurodegenerative diseases, osteoarticular degenerative pathology and certain endocrine diseases like diabetes, among others.
At the same time, basic studies in developmental biology focus on the research on early embryonic development with different animal models and cell differentiation and the mechanisms of organogenesis and cell, tissue and organ regeneration.

IDIBELL program on Regenerative Medicine is part of the Program for the Clinical Traslation in Regenerative Medicine of Catalonia (P-CMR[C]), a transversal program in the Catalan environment, whose mission is to conduct research of excellence for advancing the clinical translation of strategies of regenerative medicine based on the use of pluripotent stem cells.
Principal investigators
Research Groups