
Oligodendroglial brain tumor survivors run the risk of developing long-term cognitive impairment

Recent results highlight the need to develop future therapeutic strategies to minimize the adverse effects of cancer treatment in patients with brain tumors and prolonged expected survival

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The 2nd GRIN2B European Meeting brings together international experts and families suffering from this rare illness in Barcelona

The second GRIN2B European annual conference on GRINpathies, genetic defects of NMDA receptors, organized by the European Association GRIN2B, the group of Dr. Xavier Altafaj and collaborators of the Pompeu Fabra University and the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, took place this past weekend. This meeting aims is to foster interactions between families, doctors and […]

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Researchers prove the usefulness of semen miRNAs as non-invasive biomarkers for prostate cancer

Researchers of the Human Molecular Genetics group at the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL), led by Dr. Sara Larriba, in collaboration with Dr. Francesc Vigués and Dr. Manel Castells of the Urology Service of Bellvitge University Hospital (HUB), show the usefulness of certain molecules , the miRNAs in semen, as non-invasive biomarkers for prostate cancer. […]

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Children’s brain recovers from stroke and acquires language abilities thanks to its plasticity

• In response to a stroke that affects the left hemisphere, children’s brains assign language functions to the right hemisphere • The study demonstrates our brain’s ability to reconnect in different ways, especially during early childhood

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Three IDIBELL researchers receive “la Caixa” Banking Foundation grants to carry out pioneering research projects with great social impact

Researchers Mariona Graupera, Gabriela Jiménez Valerio and Bárbara Rivera Polo of the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL) have been awarded three grants of the “Scholarships and Grants for Research and Innovation 2019” program of the banking Foundation “la Caixa”, which were officially announced yesterday afternoon in an event chaired by Pedro Duque, Minister of Science, […]

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Discovered a molecule that regulates the development of cancer in a variety of human tumors

Researchers from IDIBELL-ICO and IJC discover that a non-coding region of the genome originates a key molecule for the proliferation of tumors in breast cancer and some types of sarcoma

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“We save lives” looks for heroes at Bellvitge’s ‘festa major’

On the occasion of the ‘festa major’ of Bellvitge, an annual celebration which takes place in this district of L’Hospitalet from September 7 to 15, researchers of the Oncobell program of the Bellvitge  Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL) present the #josalvovides fundraising campaign for cancer research from an informative stand. This action, which has been possible […]

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An IDIBELL study offers new possibilities for personalized medicine to treat a prevalent type of liver cancer

Results show that in order to treat patients efficiently, it is necessary to know the specific molecular characteristics of their cancer, such as TGF-β and EGF receptor expression levels

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