
Scientists of the IDIBELL explain the rare diseases to citizens

On September 27 took place the Researchers’ Night at the Cosmo Caixa of Barcelona with the active participation of 6 scientists of the IDIBELL. On the occasion of the year of the rare diseases, the Researchers’ Night in Barcelona focused on these diseases that have 400,000 affected throughout Catalonia.Virginia Nunes, Dori Huertas, Ethel Queralt and […]

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IDIBELL researchers question the dogma that says in response to nutrient shortage, cells eat themselves

The study concludes that the absence of glucose, an essential nutrient for energy, does not induce autophagy in cells Autophagy is a protective mechanism that cells use in stressful situations. They degrade their organelles and recycle them to obtain energy and survive. It was thought that in all situations of lack of nutrients, cells initiate […]

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TRANSLINK, the European project to develop treatments that prevent immune responses against biological cardiac prostheses

Translink is a project that will have a duration of four years and a budget of 7.8 M € , co-financed by the European Union under the 7th Framework Programme. Dr. Rafael Máñez , director of the project in 2 hospitals of the ICS (Catalan Health Institute , stresses that this project will apply the […]

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IDIBELL organizes the first workshop of the European project IT-Liver

Next September 25, 26 and 27 the Institute of Catalan Studies hosts the first working meeting of the European IT-Liver Project included in the Programme Marie Curie ITN (Initial Training Network). IT-Liver project’s mission is to provide a multidisciplinary and intersectorial Research Training Programme for young researchers, so as to prepare them for leading roles […]

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A project of the IDIBELL awards the grant of the Sandra Ibarra Foundation of Solidarity against Cancer

On September 17 took place the delivery of the “IV ghd Grants” for breast cancer research with a ceremony attended by the presence of Sandra Ibarra, president of the Foundation, Manel Esteller, patron of the Foundation, Candela Calle, general director of the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO) and Thys Niermeyer, general director of ghd Spain. […]

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Brain fixes the information that receives during the day on our memory while we sleep

Our brain accumulates information during the day but how do we register it in our memory? What makes this memory lasts over time? One of the main mechanisms is the consolidation of memory. From all that we see or learn during the day, brain filters what we forget and what we remember. The optimal moment […]

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IDIBELL participates at the Researcher’s Night 2013 in Barcelona

On September 27 Biocomunica’t ‘ T ( organizes in Barcelona a new edition of the Researcher’s Night, a European science spreading project of the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union which will take place simultaneously in more than 300 European cities. The goal of the Reseachercher’s Night is to show the contribution of scientists […]

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High levels of RANK protein interferes with the differentiation of mammary cells

Researchers of the Transformation and Metastasis research group at Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL), led by Eva González-Suárez, have shown that overexpression of RANK signalling pathway interferes with the differentiation of the cells that form the mammary glands. This produces an accumulation of undifferentiated cells that finally leads to tumor development. In previous studies, the […]

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