Juan Ortin:”The defining characteristic of influenza virus is its unpredictability”
Influenza virus attacks us every year and occasionally can cause pandemics with high morbidity and mortality. This virus is the object of study team led by researcher John Ortín the National Center of Biotechnology, CSIC, Madrid. Juan Ortín explained in a conference within IDIBELL seminars on 8 November, the progress of his research on the […]
Health Connect-EU presents Strategic Agenda in Health Research 2013
ICO , IDIBELL and HUB are part of this network that aims to position health research is done in Catalonia in Europe
ICO publishes 2012 sustainability report
The Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO) has published its first sustainability report, which has been developed according to the criteria of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Level A, maximum application. The report, which has been approved by the Management Board, follows the strategic lines of the institution, which has among its objectives to ensure the […]
Manel Esteller, recognized among the most influential biomedical researchers worldwide in the period 1996-2011
Manel Esteller, director of the Epigenetics and Cancer Biology Program of the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL), ICREA Research Professor and Professor of Genetics at the University of Barcelona, has been recognized as one of the most influential scientists in the area of biomedicine according to a recent bibliometric study. The work of Stanford University […]
Albert Lleó:”Research should be directed at the prevention because when the first symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease appear, neuronal damage is too big’
The head of the department of neurology at the Hospital de Sant Pau and Santa Cruz de Barcelona, Alberto Lleó, explained the latest developments in the investigation of the molecular mechanisms that lead to Alzheimer’s disease. It was last October 25 as part of the seminars IDIBELL. Lleó group works on a multimodal approach in […]
The European Union allocates six million euros to study prevention strategies tumors caused by HPV
The human papillomavirus (HPV ) is responsible for cervical cancer and is behind a significant percentage of other tumors such as vulva , vagina, penis, anus, and oropharynx . It is estimated that , in Europe , every year 30,000 women die as a result of cervical cancer , especially in the Eastern countries , […]
Manel Esteller, Consecrated Investigator Award from the Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural
Manel Esteller, Director of the Cancer Epigenetics and Biology Program (PEBC) IDIBELL, Professor of Genetics at the University of Barcelona and ICREA Research Professor has been awarded as Consecrated Researcher – Foundation Pascual in Life Sciences. The recognition occurs by Manel Esteller contributions to the study of epigenetics in health and disease. He is the […]