Research & knowledge on palliative care group (GRICOPAL)
The Palliative Care teams of the Catalan Institute of Oncology have been pioneers in its comprehensive and multidimensional care model. Along with their vocation, they have always been characterized by their research interest and their teaching work. In recent years, there have been several changes in cancer epidemiology; moreover, the emergence of new treatments has modified cancer survival. In the clinical field of palliative care, this fact has meant a change in action with earlier interventions, new treatments, and more complex situations, including the psychological and social dimensions. All these situations are causing new models of care and teaching challenges. New questions and needs have to be answered. With this premise, the Research and Knowledge Group in PC has been created.
- Our Mission: to contribute to reducing the impact of cancer in Catalonia through research and the dissemination of knowledge in palliative care.
- Our Vision: to be a reference group in multidisciplinary research and teaching in palliative care nationally and internationally.
- Our Values: 1)We think as a patient; 2)Quality and warmth; 3)Decisions with knowledge; 4)Teams by your side; 5)Research and innovation to improve the future.
- Our Principles of action: Curiosity; Ethics; Honesty; Respect.
Principal investigators
Corcoy De Febrer, Blanca
Llorens Torrome, Silvia
Calsina Berna, Agnes
Labori Trias, Maria
- Gonzalez Barboteo, Jesus