Nova eina d’anàlisi per a predir la resposta al tractament preoperatori en càncer de recte
Investigadors del Programa Contra la Resistència Terapèutica del Càncer (ProCURE), de l’Institut d’Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL) i de l’Institut Català d’Oncologia (ICO) han desenvolupat una nova eina que permet establir la probabilitat de resposta al tractament preoperatori en tumors de recte localment avançats. Predir quins pacients no respondran al tractament pot ajudar a evitar […]
New epigenomic strategies in the clinical management of cancer of unknown primary
The invention of the EPICUP® epigenetic test last year allowed physicians to elucidate what type of primary tumor had metastasized in patients with Cancer of Unknown Primary (CUP). Today, an article published in Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology by Dr. Manel Esteller, coordinator of the Epigenetics and Cancer Biology Program of the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute […]
A personalized treatment with metabolic therapy improves the motor and communication skills of a patient with atypical Rett syndrome
Administration of the amino acid D-serine, a dietary supplement, contributes to the improvement of the cognitive and motor capacity of a patient with a mutation that affects glutamate receptors A promising treatment with no side effects Towards “express personalization”
Orgull en ciència: L’IDIBELL s’adhereix a la celebració del Dia per l’Alliberament LGTB+
Per a commemorar aquesta diada l’IDIBELL i l’ICO han fet un vídeo per recordar algunes personalitats històriques del món de la ciència i la medicina que han estat pioneres en la lluita per a la igualtat de gènere i la diversitat. . Dia per l’Alliberament LGBTI La diada a Catalunya
Dr. Xavier Matias-Guiu receives an ICS award for his research career
The distinction was granted during the 9th ICS Research Day, which focused on respiratory diseases Xavier Matias-Guiu
Facial paralysis image processing software is awarded a grant by the Academy of Medical Sciences
Researchers from the Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy Department of Bellvitge University Hospital – Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (HUB-IDIBELL) have been awarded the VI basic research in physiotherapy grant from the Catalan-Balearic Physiotherapy Society, which will allow them to partially fund the clinical validation of a imaging software prototype designed as a facial neuromuscular therapy in patients […]
The complete epigenomes of the most frequent tumors, unveiled
A research team from the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL) has managed to characterize the complete epigenomes of the most frequent tumors, including those of colon, lung and breast cancer. Their work, published in Oncogene, was led by Dr. Manel Esteller, Director of the Epigenetics and Cancer Biology Program at IDIBELL, ICREA Researcher and Professor […]