IDIBELL researchers identified a new gene associated with risk of breast cancer
An international study led by researchers at the Institute of Biomedical Research of Bellvitge (IDIBELL) has identified a new gene involved in susceptibility of developing breast cancer. Article’s reference Evidence for a link between TNFRSF11A and risk of Breast Cancer.
Discovered a new mechanism to reduce cell growth and to induce programmed cell death of liver tumor cells
IDIBELL researchers demonstrate for the first time that inhibition of NADPH oxidases pathway slows the growth of tumor cells in vitro A study realized by researchers at the IDIBEL has shown that a drug that is under evaluation for cardiovascular disease, VAS2870, inhibits in vitro the enzymes of the family of NADPH oxidases in liver tumor cells. So it is able to reduce cell growth and regain the ability of the cell to self-destruct (apoptosis) in response to TGF-beta factor. The study results were published at the journal Biochemical Pharmacology. NADPH oxidases Article reference
Francisco Fernández Avilés: “We would end up with the shortage of donors and the problems of transplant rejection”
Cardiac regeneration could lead us to create bio-artificial hearts obtained from decellularized hearts and recomposed again with adult stem cells. This is the aim of the researcher and chief of cardiology at the Hospital Gregorio Maranon, Madrid, Francisco Fernández Avilés, who explained their latest advances in a new session of the seminars of IDIBELL on 13 May.
Live the Summer in IDIBELL
IDIBELL offers 12 positions for students to complete their formation during the summer months
Joan Guinovart: ”We try to understand how manipulating glycogen metabolism we can improve health”
This is the aim of metabolic engineering laboratory and diabetes at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine of Barcelona (IRBB) led by the center director, Joan Guinovart. The researcher explained on 6 May in the framework of the seminars of IDIBELL how accumulation of glycogen may be beneficial in some tissues such as liver and harmful in cells such as neurons where it can be lethal.
The University Hospital of Bellvitge, the first center in the world to perform a laparoscopic gastric plication robotic surgery
The Bellvitge University Hospital has organized on 2 and 3 May, the VIII International Course of Metabolic and Bariatric Laparoscopic Surgery with the assistance of national and international leading experts.
Identified a gene responsible for a genetic disorder of myelin
In the study, published and selected as a featured article in the journal Cell Group The American Journal of Human Genetics, also have participated Albert Martinez, researcher at Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) and Virginia Nunes, professor at UB and IDIBELL researcher. More information:
Proposed new strategies for treatment of cardiovascular disease in diabetics
U p to 40% of patients with diabetes do not respond to usual treatments A review article realized by researchers at IDIBELLabout the situation of antiplatelet therapy in acute coronary syndromes in patients with type 2 diabetes highlights the need for new potent therapies for this population at risk. Response to current drugs Article’s reference