
The therapeutic videogame realized by IDIBELL researchers, one of the best ideas of the year for ‘Diario Médico’

The IDIBELL and the University Hospital of Bellvitge have received one of the awards to the Best Ideas of the Year, awarded by the newspaper specializing in medicine and health ‘Diario Médico’, for their therapeutic videogame, called Islands, directed to complement the therapy of patients with eating disorders or pathological gambling addiction. This is the […]

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Ben Lehner: Why would a mutation kill me, but not you?”

This is the big question that drives all the research in the laboratory of Genetic Systems directed by the ICREA researcher Ben Lehner at the Center for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona. Lehner explained their latest findings on an IDIBELL seminar on November 4th. Lehner’s group seeks to understand why two genetically identical individuals, which have […]

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IDIBELL brings science to everyone during the Science Week

Between November 7 to 20 the Science Week is is celebrated throughout Europe. This is an initiative that aims to bring the results of scientific research to society. More information at Bellvitge Researches

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High alcohol consumption doubles the risk of gastric cancer

High consumption of alcohol (more than 60 grams per day) significantly increases the risk of gastric cancer. So concludes a study conducted by the Nutrition, Environment and Cancer research Group of the IDIBELL at the Catalan Institute of Oncology that has been published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.. The association between alcohol and gastric […]

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Pedro M. Fernández Salguero: “Transposons could represent up to 15% of the human genome”

The researcher at the University of Extremadura Peter M. Salguero Fernandez explained their latest advances in research on the role of transposons, short DNA sequences that move around the genome, on gene regulation. It was on October 28 in the cycle of seminars IDIBELL. Salguero Fernandez stressed the need to study this genetic material, “until […]

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Marcus Buschbeck :”We still do not understand how the library that stores the DNA is ordered”

Marcus Buschbeck, researcher at the Institute of Predictive and Personalized Medicine of Cancer (IMPPC) of Badalona has explained its latest advances in the investigation of a protein involved in DNA packaging and its involvement in cell differentiation in the October 21 cycle IDIBELL seminars. The aim of Buschbeck group is to understand how cell changes […]

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Colon tumor cells that metastasize to the liver become more aggressive in response to a new hostile microenvironment

Most malignant cells die; only survive those who adapt better Certain healthy liver cells promote an adaptive response in colorectal cancer cells by inhibiting proliferation and causing their death. Tumor cells, that adapt themselves to new conditions, change their behavior and morphology, favoring migration. Researchers from the IDIBELL and the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO), coordinated by David Garcia Molleví have published the results of this study in the journal Neoplasia . A hostile microenvironment Article’s reference

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CECOT rewards ICO’s management

The Catalan Institute of Oncology has been awarded by the Catalan business association CECOT in the ‘Reconeixements 2011’ awards Good Practices

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University Hospital of Bellvitge receives the third consecutive Top 20 award for best management

University Hospital of Bellvitge has been awarded for the third consecutive year and fifth time during its history (2004, 2006, 2009, 2010 and 2011), as one of the best hospitals in Spain.

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