Xavier Bosch, Lilly Biomedical Research Award 2012

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The researcher Xavier Bosch, head of the group on Viruses and Cancer at IDIBELL and Director of the Research in Cancer Epidemiology program at the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO), has been awarded the Lilly Foundation for Biomedical Research award 2012 in the category preclinical research.

The Lilly Foundation has highlighted the contribution of Xavier Bosch and his team, at the causal association between human papilloma virus (HPV) and some types of cancer, including cervical, vulva, vagina, anus, penis and other of the oral cavity, oropharynx and larynx. His research has allowed the design of specific vaccines against HPV. Bosch is the author of 425 scientific papers and only in the last decade, has received 10,682 citations, with a Hirsch index (H) 71.

The prize is worth 140,000 euros which will go to the study of HPV and the development of indicators to identify, plan and implement preventive strategies of cancers associated with these viruses.

More information at: www.iconcologia.net

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