IDIBELL participates in the creation of a bioinformatics platform to promote education, research and transfer
Bioinformatics is an area of research in applied computer science and information technology used for the treatment of biological data. BiB promoters consider this area as strategic science that makes sense of the vast amounts of biological data generated. So BiB proposes to boost this area of specialization that is necessary in all areas of […]
Psychologist Sandra Trehub explains at CosmoCaixa that babies are musical by nature
The ability to understand the music could be innate in humans. Babies react and change of mood when they hear their mothers sing, later they dance to music and after their first birthday, children begin to participate through song. The psychologist Sandra Trehub, University of Toronto, studies music and listening skills of infants and children. […]
Marcus Heldmann: ”We aim to be more precise in deep brain stimulation”
Deep brain stimulation has been used as a treatment of neural diseases for over twenty years. This is the case of Parkinson’s disease. The aim of the researcher at the University of Magdeburg Marcus Heldmann is to find new therapeutic targets to treat other disorders such as alcoholism or obsessive-compulsive disorder. He has explained his […]
IDIBELL sets up a group of internal correspondents
Several IDIBELL professionals are involved in an initiative to improve the communication with the institute publics. This “internal correspondents” bring together workers from different categories and, in some cases, are hired by the partner institutions (Bellvitge University Hospital, Catalan Institute of Oncology and University of Barcelona). The belonging to this group is open to any […]
Bellvitge Hospital applies innovative public procurement system in the field of health
The Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL) has awarded the company Reig Jofré a bidding to acquire a diagnostic system of endometrial cancer applicable to primary health care centres. This is the first experience of innovative pre-commercial public procurement in the health sector made in Catalonia. The product, which is named GynEC-DX, will be tested in […]
IDIBELL participates in the European project VESSEL
The research team on Signaling pathways in angiogenesis led by Mariona Graupera will be part of the European Training Network VESSEL composed by nine leading European laboratories in the field of angiogenesis. The main goal of the program explained the researcher Mariona Graupera “is to train scientists who, in the future, have the best tools […]
The European project COLTHERES classifies colorectal cancer into three subtypes
Researchers of the COLTHERES European project have presented on the American Society of Clinical Oncology Gastrointestinal Cancers symposium, held between 24 and 26 January, the preliminary results of the program that intends to encourage clinical trials of personalized therapies in colorectal cancer. Researchers have developed a new classification system that categorizes colorectal tumors into three […]
Steven Mithen: ”music and language have a common ancestor”
The music is part of human nature, is “embedded in our DNA.” With this reflection Steven Mithen began his lecture “How Neanderthals sang? The origins of music”. The prestigious British anthropologist talked about music, language and brain in the Cosmocaixa auditorium, filled to the brim, within the series “The music and its impact on the […]
Antoni Andreu: “Our challenge is to implement a research model that accelerates the transfer of basic science to the clinic”
What is the scenario for health research in 2013? What are the priorities for the coming years? Antoni Andreu, deputy manager of Assessment and Development Research Institute of Health Carlos III has sought to clarify these questions at a conference on 25 January at the small hall of the University Hospital of Bellvitge. Antoni Andreu […]