
Discovered the anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory potential of a protein involved in the combat system against pathogens

Researchers in the research group of human molecular genetics of the IDIBELL have found that an isoform (variant) of the protein C4BP provides antiinflammatory and immunoregulatory characteristics to dendritic cells, which are essential to our immune system. This molecule could be useful in treatments to combat transplant rejection and to find new therapies against autoimmune […]

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José Luis Fernández Luna: “One type of gliobastoma stem cells are located in the periphery and cannot be removed with surgery”

The head of the Molecular Genetics Unit Valdecilla University Hospital, Santander, José Luis Fernández-Luna explained on March 1 its latest advances in research on cancer stem cells of glioblastoma, the most aggressive brain tumor, at IDIBELL seminars. Neurosurgical techniques have improved greatly in recent years. However, it is currently impossible to prevent relapse of glioblastoma […]

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Musicologist Jaume Ayats proposes train our ear to understand other cultures at Cosmocaixa

Unlike popular belief, music is not a universal language. The musical diversity, different sound expressions and conceptions of sound between different human societies can difficult the rapprochement between cultures. Next March 5 at CosmoCaixa, the director of the Museum of Music Barcelona, Jaume Ayats, proposes a musical journey through distant and unknown music to better […]

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Sandra Trehub ”children have an implicit knowledge of music”

Infants have an innate ability to recognize music, especially the changes in tone, but also in melody. From this idea, the professor in psychology at the University of Toronto, Sandra Trehub, explained how music plays a key role in the development of children and language acquisition. Trehub gave a lecture at Cosmocaixa on February 19, […]

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About 15% of patients with Wolfram syndrome do not meet current diagnostic criteria

Researchers at IDIBELL and CIBERER Virginia Nunes and Miguel López de Heredia have collected data from 400 patients with Wolfram syndrome published worldwide in the last fifteen years to better understand the natural history of disease. The findings lead them to propose a revision of the diagnostic criteria of the disease because 15% of paediatric […]

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IDIBELL Researchers explain the latest advances in research on rare diseases

February 28th, World Rare Diseases Day Genetics of rare diseases From laboratory to clinic The most common rare disease Epigenetic approach New initiatives

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RecerCaixa funds an IDIBELL project on active and healthy aging

The project ‘Healthy aging eye to correct visual impairment and eye diseases: an epigenetic approach’, led by researcher Maria Berdasco of the epigenetic group at IDIBELL has been selected by the RecerCaixa program promoted by the Associació Catalana d’Universitats Públiques (ACUP) and La Caixa. On February 22 at 11:30 the Comoscaixa Auditory will held the […]

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