
UPC students, in collaboration with IDIBELL and HUB, present new technologies to improve the treatment of neuropathic pain

3D Virtual Ecography project is the first fruit of the collaboration between the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), the Institute of Biomedical Research of Bellvitge (IDIBELL) and the University Hospital of Bellvitge (HUB) to promote biomedical research and technology transfer. On the one hand, the agreement enables UPC students learn about the needs of health […]

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The AECC-Catalonia funds two research projects IDIBELL

The Spanish Association against Cancer in Catalonia funs with one hundred thousand Euros five projects of Catalan emerging groups in cancer research. Two of these grants will fund two projects of IDIBELL. The chosen projects are: The other selected projects were:

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IDIBELL presents its action plan for excellence in human resources for researchers 2015-2018

IDIBELL has presented the action plan in Human Resources to obtain the accreditation of ‘HR excellence in Research’ from the European Commission. It is a recognition of the institution’s commitment to the development of a human resources strategy for researchers, aligned with the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct […]

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Manel Esteller, VI National Award for Oncology

The award of the Echevarne Foundation, worth 50,000 euros will be awarded next December 15th The National Award for Oncology

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Mechanical thrombectomy in acute stroke may improve the prognosis and recovery of some patients

In a selected group of patients, treatments revascularization by mechanical thrombectomy in acute stroke may improve the functional prognosis and clinical recovery. This is one of the study’s conclusions outcomes of a contemporary cohort of 536 consecutive acute ischemic stroke patients treated with endovascular therapy, conducted by the services of Neurology and Neuroradiology, University Hospital […]

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