Neuroscience Program - Neurobell
The IDIBELL Neuroscience Programme aims to better understand the functioning of the brain, both in health as well as illness.
The Programme studies a wide variety of neurological and psychiatric diseases, ranging from molecular and cellular to clinical aspects and with a strong emphasis on translational research. To this end, its research is focussed on the development of experimental medicine, neuroimaging, neuropharmacology, genetics, cognitive neuroscience, as well as basic sciences in the areas of neurology and mental health. Additionally, translational implementation includes the use of new tools for genetic and genomic diagnosis, the discovery of new pharmacological targets and medications, the development of biomarkers, brain stimulation, cognitive neurorehabilitation and the use of stem cells in the regeneration of nerve tissue. Furthermore, one of the real strengths of the Programme is that it boasts a Neurological Tissue Bank of national and international renown. In short, the Neuroscience Programme aims to contribute to overcoming one of the final major frontiers of modern science: knowledge and manipulation of the brain.

Principal Investigators
Research Groups

Martínez Yelamos, Antoni