IDIBELL, epigenetics and scientific career at Nature

Nature esteller (1)

The scientific journal Nature includes in its issue of March 29th an article that analyzes investment opportunities and development of scientific careers in the field of epigenetics.

In the article, the director of the Cancer Epigenetics and Biology Program of the IDIBELL, ICREA researcher and professor at the University of Barcelona, Manel Esteller, highlights the “big push that the European Commission gives to initiatives on epigenomic analysis of human cancer”. These initiatives include the BLUEPRINT project that aims to determine the reference epigenome of blood cells and their derived leukemias and the CURELUNG project that seeks to identify the lung cancer epigenome.

According to the author of the article, Heidi Ledfrod for the formation and development of new professionals, cancer epigenetics offers not only an opportunity for scientific excellence but also a job opportunity, because it has been established partnerships with large pharmaceutical companies like Novartis and GlaxoSmithKline which include epigenetic drugs.

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