A study compares silk and Teflon sutures in dental implant surgery

The research has been published in Clinical Oral Implants Research journal Sutures made with Teflon thread are more comfortable for patients than the sutures of silk thread, according to a scientific article that reviews the use of these two non-absorbable suture materials in oral implantology. The article has been published in Clinical Oral Implants Research journal, led by Cosme Gay-Escoda, researcher at the Pathology and Dental Therapeutics and Maxillofacial group at IDIBELL and the University of Barcelona. Article reference: Source

A study compares silk and Teflon sutures in dental implant surgery Read More »

Manel Esteller, National Genetics Award 2011

The Spanish Society of Genetics has rewarded the IDIBELL researcher in genetic applications category The Spanish Society of Genetics (SEG) and the Foundation Pryconsa have distinguished the contributions of the IDIBELL researcher, Manel Esteller, in the research on genetic application in the III Edition of the National Genetics Awards to be delivered under the XXXVIII SEG Congress, to be held from 21 to 23 September in Murcia. Manel Esteller Profile

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Juan Manuel Zapata: ”To get personalized medicine, we must obtain specific animal models for different subtypes of disease”

The group of Metabolism and cellular signals at Biomedical Research Institute Alberto Sols led by Juan Manuel Zapata focuses its research on studying the regulation of TNF receptor, TRAF family of proteins and how changes in abnormal expression of these proteins may be involved in the development of leukemia or lymphoma. Zapata explained his progress in the last session of IDIBELL series of seminars held on July 8.

Juan Manuel Zapata: ”To get personalized medicine, we must obtain specific animal models for different subtypes of disease” Read More »

Women scientists and journalists discuss the inVisibility of female talent in the meeting ‘fem.talent’ organized by the Biopol’H

The year 2011 marks the International Year of Women Scientists just one hundred years after it was first awarded a Nobel Prize to a scientist, Marie Curie. In this context, on July 4 was held a meeting on the invisibility of female talent organized by ‘fem.talent’ project and Biopol’H. More information about the meeting: http://www.biopol.cat/cat/noticias/

Women scientists and journalists discuss the inVisibility of female talent in the meeting ‘fem.talent’ organized by the Biopol’H Read More »

Wim Oyen:”Getting the best diagnosis in the shortest time”

The researcher and Professor of Nuclear Medicine at Rabdoud University, Nijmegen (Netherlands), Wim Oyen, explained its progress in the implementation of  FDG/PET imaging technique to improve the diagnosis of various diseases and facilitate the process of therapeutic decision. It was on July 1st as part of the seminars IDIBELL.

Wim Oyen:”Getting the best diagnosis in the shortest time” Read More »

Joan X. Comella: “If we have ‘muscular’ neurons, they will be more protected in a hostile environment”

The research group of Joan X. Comella focuses on characterizing and understanding the molecular mechanisms of certain proteins that block cell death in the nervous system. This cell death is often associated with neuroinflammatory processes. “These proteins protect neurons from cell death,” explained Comella framed in a lecture in the series of seminars IDIBELL on 17 June.

Joan X. Comella: “If we have ‘muscular’ neurons, they will be more protected in a hostile environment” Read More »

Jordi Llorens named president of the International Neurotoxicology Association

The leader of the research group on Toxicity of sensory and motor systems at IDIBELL and Professor of Physiology at the University of Barcelona, Jordi Llorens has been named president of the International Neurotoxicology Association within the framework of the international neurotoxicology conference that the association has organized on June 5-10th in Xian, China. The

Jordi Llorens named president of the International Neurotoxicology Association Read More »

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