Agreement between IDIBELL and Vicente Ferrer Foundation to develop research activities
IDIBELL and Vicente Ferrer Foundation have signed a cooperation agreement to conduct common research activities. The framework agreement includes the exchange of research staff, organization of scientific events, the development of innovative health interventions and technology transfer activities, and the use of scientific facilities. The agreement includes a program to support predoctoral biomedicine students from India hosted by Vicente Ferrer Foundation in Andhra Pradesh region of India. The programme offers the possibility to obtain the PhD degree at IDIBELL facilities.
Discovered a new mechanism which protects the genome under conditions of oxidative stress
Oxidative stress causes genomic instability and it could be involved in cancer emergence The role of sirtuins Article’s reference
Molecule Nutlin-3a activates a signal inducing cell death and senescence in primary brain tumors
IDIBELL researchers at UB have tested this molecule antagonist of MDM2, a protein active in brain tumors New therapeutic targets Article reference
Henning Walczak: ”We have all the mechanisms at our disposal to know the enemy and fight it”
The Walczak research group aims at understanding how the immune system specifically attacks the cancer and to uncover the mechanisms used by tumors to counteract these attacks. The researcher has explained his research in the TRAIL signaling pathway (TNF– related apoptosis-inducing ligand) to discover new therapeutic targets that can be combined with other drugs causing […]
Miguel A. Valverde: “Alterations in intracellular calcium concentration have an impact on the pathophysiology of asthma”
From genetic studies in airway cells of asthmatic patients and control, Miguel A. Valverde said that “we can reach a general and novel conclusion: alterations in intracellular calcium concentration have an impact on the pathophysiology of asthma”. Although he added “in diseases such as hypertension, myocardial infarction or asthma we wouldn’t find a single gene […]
IDIBELL participates in a European consortium to promote clinical trials of targeted therapies in colon cancer
Hospitals and translational research centers from six European countries participates in Coltheres Consortium