
AECC grants two IDIBELL research projects

La Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer de Barcelona financiará dos proyectos del IDIBELL con dos becas para la investigación en oncología 2012. Los proyectos premiados son los siguientes: “Evaluación de la capacidad inmunoestimuladora de las células troncales mesenquimales trasducidas con adenovirus para el tratamiento del cáncer” coordinado por Ramon Alemany, jefe de grupo de investigación en Viroterapia […]

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Angiogenesis on the cover

The Journal of Internal Medicine highlights a review of the researchers of the IDIBELL Oriol  Casanovas and Lidia Moserle

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Licensed a patent to Janus Developments for the treatment of inflammatory diseases

After a long history of collaboration between three research groups at the UB-IDIBELL, CSIC and UAB in the nucleic acid interference (siRNA) research it has been found the solution when inhibited, among others, genes involved in inflammatory diseases, such as those related to the action of tumour necrosis factor (TNF-alpha). As a result of this […]

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Antoni Bayès-Genís: “The next generation of smart cardiac patch concept is a bio-membrane and a cardiac tissue”

Cell therapy is something that will increase in the heart research, told Antoni Bayès-Genís in the “Bioprosthesis for cardiac repair” IDIBELL seminar that took place in Sala Pau Viladiu at the Hospital Duran i Reynals-ICO, last January 18th. Bayés-Genís is Head of the Cardiology Service at the University Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol in Badalona […]

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Archaeologist Steven Mithen explains in CosmoCaixa how Neanderthals sang and the origins of music

Music is part of everyday life of humans long before we can imagine. Our ancestors were already using the music to communicate. The professor of archeology at the University of Reading, Steven Mithen, investigates the origins of language and gives music a huge importance in human evolution. Mithen will explain in CosmoCaixa, that before the […]

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Michael Karin: “Inflammation and metabolism have a very close relation with cancer”

The opening lecture “Inflammation, Metabolism, Aging and Cancer: Dangerous Liaisons” at the IDIBELL Cancer Conference (ICC) on Personalized Cancer Medicine, that took place in Hesperia Convention Hotel, was given by Michael Karin, from the University of California San Diego (UCSD). Obesity, related with hypernutrition, is related with the formation of lipids droplets that can lead […]

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Dolutegravir is an effective option for treating HIV infection

The drug, in phase 3 of clinical research, is as effective and safe as raltegravir and offers more resistance to virus mutations 800 patients Article reference

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IDIBELL assumes the functions of Biopol’H Consortium

The Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL) has integrated the functions hitherto had the Biopol’H Consortium, as a catalyst for innovation projects in the environment of the Bellvitge University Hospital, the Catalan Institute of Oncology at L’Hospitalet de Llobregat and the Bellvitge Campus of the University of Barcelona. Biopol’H Consortium was formally broken up on December […]

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The Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of breast cancer

A high adherence to the Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of breast cancer by 6% in women in general, and by 7% in post-menopausal women. The study, published in the International Journal of Cancer, was attended by 335,062 women between 35 and 70 years. It is the largest epidemiological study carried out in the world […]

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