
Manel Esteller and Xavier Gómez-Batiste received Josep Trueta health merit medal

The director of the Epigenetics and Cancer Biology of IDIBELL, Manel Esteller and the responsible of Qualy Observatory of the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO) and head of the research group on palliative care at IDIBELL, Xavier Gómez Batiste received the medal Josep Trueta to the sanitary merit of this year. The ceremony took place […]

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¿Discovered the sixth DNA’s base?

Two more bases: the Methyl- cytosine and Methyl-adenine In bacteria and in complex organisms Article Article

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A new and less toxic HIV drug

University Hospital of Bellvitge and IDIBELL have participated in an international study published in The Lancet that has evaluated a new drug with fewer negative long-term effects that one of the most used so far in treating HIV. Today, it would be beneficial for around 65% of patients with HIV The tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, one […]

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Fernando Fernández-Aranda, Leadership Award on Research 2015of the Academy for Eating Disorders

Research excellence which houses the Biomedical Research Center in Red-Pathophysiology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBERobn) has been recognized once again with the Award on Research 2015 Leadership Award to Dr. Fernando Fernández-Aranda for her contribution to research in the field of disordered eating behavior and obesity.The award ceremony took place in Boston (USA), on Saturday, […]

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Supercomputing for biomedical research

On April 21st the director of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), Francesc Subirada and the head of its Department of Life Sciences, Modesto Orozco, delivered a seminar at IDIBELL to publicize the resources that their center can provide to IDIBELL researchers as well as new opportunities for collaboration. The BSC houses the computer Mare Nostrum. […]

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Cannabis Consumers Show Greater Susceptibility to False Memories

A new study published in the American journal with the highest impact factor in worldwide, Molecular Psychiatry, reveals that consumers of cannabis are more prone to experiencing false memories. The study was conducted by researchers from the Human Neuropsychopharmacology group at the Biomedical Research Institute of Hospital de Sant Pau and from Universitat Autònoma de […]

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