#IDIBELLseminars: Novel Therapeutic Targets in T-cell Leukemia
Daniel Herranz
Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey
Sala de Graus (Aulari) – UB
We recently identified a therapeutically exploitable NOTCH1-SIRT1-KAT7 axis in T-ALL, suggesting that directly targeting KAT7 might be a promising therapeutic strategy. I will present our latest results in this project, as well as additional studies uncovering completely novel cancer metabolism-related therapeutic targets in T-ALL.
Hosted by Ruth Rodriguez Barrueco – Gynaecological Cancer group
During my PhD, guided by Dr. Manuel Serrano at the CNIO, I studied Sirt1 in cancer, leading to four first-author papers in Nature Communications, PNAS, Oncogene and Cell Cycle, a highly cited Nature Reviews Cancer and a corresponding-author paper in EMBO Reports. For my postdoc, I joined Dr. Adolfo Ferrando’s lab at Columbia University, where I led two pioneering Nature Medicine studies uncovering a NOTCH1-bound enhancer controlling MYC expression in T-ALL, as well as the role of cancer metabolism in NOTCH1-induced transformation and resistance to anti-NOTCH1 therapies.
The goals of my lab (started in 2017) are to uncover novel relevant basic biology and therapeutic targets in T-cell leukemia, related to non-coding enhancers and cancer metabolism. In these 6 years, I have established a successful and productive lab, as reflected by the funding sources obtained and by the publication of corresponding-author papers in Blood Cancer Discovery (two different studies), Leukemia or Blood.