
Researchers discover how the brain is able to remember complex information in a short time

The ability to hold for a short period of time new information in the brain is a very common and necessary action to cope with the needs of everyday life. This ability, known as working memory, allows us, for example, to briefly hold a phone number, names of new people or the way to get […]

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A medicine for epilepsy has proved its effectiveness against a severe neurodegenerative disease

The X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy is a hereditary disorder that destroys the myelin (the white substance that covers and protects the nerves) of the central or the peripheral nervous system and that consequently produces a hormonal disorder. The disease is quite rare and affects only male humans, despite carrier women can only show some of the symptoms. […]

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IDIBELL and UB researchers identify a gene that causes movement problems in mice

The cerebellum is the center responsible for motor coordination in vertebrates. Alterations of this part of the central nervous system, situated under the brain, result in a complex syndrome called ataxia, characterized by a lack of coordination of body movements. The study published in PLoS Genetics identifies a gene that causes ataxia in mice called, […]

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La Marató de TV3 funds IDIBELL research projects

The first project funded is “epigenetic and functional study of adenosine receptors A1, A2A and dopamine D2 in schizophrenia: molecular mechanisms involved”, coordinated by the IDIBELL researcher Marta Barrachina, in collaboration with Mairena Martín López, researcher of the Regional Center of Biomedical Research of Ciudad Real. The second project, “Neurophysiological correlates of reward processing and […]

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