
IDIBELL participates in a European project to detect and prevent type 2 diabetes

Researchers of the Epigenetics and Cancer Biology program at IDIBELL, led by Manel Esteller, participate in the European project DEXLIFE that aims research new ways to detect and prevent type 2 diabetes. The project funded with 5.5 million euros by the European Union within the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Development will take place […]

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The loss of a protein makes ‘jump’ the tumor to the lymph node

Metastasis is responsible for 90% of deaths in patients with cancer. So understand the mechanisms responsible for this process are one of the top goals of cancer research. The metastatic process involves a series of steps chained where the primary tumor invades surrounding tissue and ends spreading throughout the body. One of the first tissues […]

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IDIBELL launches ‘Caenorhabditis elegans’ Facility

C. elegans is a nematode that measures millimetre of length, approximately. It has been used to study the genetics of development and the nervous system, and in recent years is making contributions to the study of aging, cell death and genome structure. In 1998 it has been published the complete sequence of its genome, comprising […]

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Luis Serrano: “Modify the concentration of a protein, an epigenetic change, may result in disease”

The director of the Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG) in Barcelona, Luis Serrano, explained the latest developments of his research group on Systems Biology in a conference of the series of seminars IDIBELL on February 24. One of the highlights of the Serrano team is to study proteins, not as single molecules, but as parts […]

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Pablo Meyer: ”The distribution of enzymes in the cell is like a mirror of its metabolic status”

The researcher of the Thomas J. Watson Research Center, IBM Research in New York, Pablo Meyer, explained in a special seminar on 16 February his research on the regulation of cellular metabolism based on the distribution of enzymes and mitochondria in the cytoplasm. Meyer and his team have shown in E.coli that the location and […]

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IDIBELL researchers take a step forwards in transplanting pig cells to regenerate human cartilage

The research group New Therapies on Genes and Transplantation at the IDIBELL first studied the response of human NK cells (Natural Killer) against porcine chondrocytes (cartilage cells). The results of the research, published in The Journal of Immunology, indicate that these cells, characteristic of the innate immune system play an important role in the rejection […]

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José María Aguado: ”Our goal is to customize the treatment for CMV in transplant patients”

Factors influencing Citomeglaovirus infection (CMV) and how to prevent it focused the conference of the researcher at the Institute for Biomedical Research Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre in Madrid, Jose Maria Aguado, in IDIBELL seminar series on 17 February. CMV is an herpes virus that affects the vast majority of patients with solid organ transplantation. […]

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Emilià Pola takes a tour of the IDIBELL in Eureka! at COM Radio

The director of IDIBELL, Emilia Pola, was the first protagonist of a series of interviews that the scientist program Eureka! at COM Ràdio will make ​​to the directors of major research centers in Catalonia. Listen to the interview:

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Newspaper El Mundo ranks Manel Esteller as one of the 25 top health professionals of 2011

The Newpaper El Mundo ranks the IDIBELL researcher Manel Esteller as one of the most influent health professionals in Spain of 2011. Other relevant personalities of the ranking are Joan Rodés, Josep Baselga and Anna Veiga. Manel Esteller is the Director of the Cancer Epigenetics and Biology program of IDIBELL, ICREA (Catalan Institute for Research […]

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