
New study looks at how mRNAs change during atherosclerosis progression

During the progression of atherosclerosis, significant changes occur in the length of certain mRNAs

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New study sets new recommendations for studying TP53 gene linked to hereditary cancer

The importance of a correct interpretation of gene variants is highlighted, since not all of them are hereditary or related to a predisposition to cancer.

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A light-activated drug to fight psoriasis

The therapeutic efficacy of a new compound against psoriasis is confirmed

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The 8th IDIBELL sLHam of scientists will vindicate the role and presence of women in research

The event will take place on Thursday, February 6, at the Barradas Auditorium in L’Hospitalet and will commemorate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.
A multifaceted look at the role of women in biomedical research will be the focus of this year’s sLHam, which will talk about women as researchers and as researched.
In its 8th edition, the sLHam will have two sessions, a morning session for students and an afternoon session for the general public.

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New investment in the research against Ewing’s sarcoma

Aptadel Therapeutics receives half a million dollars for a preclinical research program against Ewing’s sarcoma.

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