Identified an anti-oncogene into an oncogene


A study led by Manel Esteller has discovered the existence of an antitumor molecule that has been originated within an oncogene. A common point in all human tumors is that they produce an activation of oncogenes, genes that cause cancer and they also cause a loss of function of the protective genes, called anti-oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes. Normally both categories of anticancer and procancer genes are in different regions of our chromosomes.



Intronic RNAs mediate EZH2 regulation of epigenetic targets. Sònia Guil*, Marta Soler*, Anna Portela*, Jordi Carrère*, Elena Fonalleras*, Antonio Gómez*, Alberto Villanueva* and Manel Esteller*. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology (NSMB), Early Edition, May 21, 2012.
* IDIBELL Researchers

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