ICO publishes 2012 sustainability report


The Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO) has published its first sustainability report, which has been developed according to the criteria of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Level A, maximum application.

The report, which has been approved by the Management Board, follows the strategic lines of the institution, which has among its objectives to ensure the sustainability and transparency in management.

With the publication of the Report GRI, ICO confirms the commitment to continue working for the sustainability and growth of the institution, establishing alliances with other companies and ensuring equity, ethics and transparency. The report also represents the efforts and dedication over the past years have made ICO professionals to position itself as one of the leader hospitals in health care, teaching , research and technology.

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a non-profit organization. Founded by CERES and the United Nations Program for the Environment in 1997, took the first steps to design a guide that would serve to help organizations to integrate economic, social and environmental information within its sustainability.

You could consult GRI memory here

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