Genetic Risk Evaluation after Cancer Diagnosis: Promise vs Practice

Steven J. Katz

University of Michigan

09/04/2025 11:30-13:00

Aula blava

#IDIBELLseminars: Embryonic origin of cardiac fibroblasts: on and off the record

José M. Pérez-Pomares

University of Málaga

21/03/2025 13:00-

Aula Blava edifici Jardi

#IDIBELLfellows: Gemma Gonfaus / Lucia del Carmen Gonzalez Alcocer

Gemma Gonfaus,  Lucia del Carmen Gonzalez Alcocer

TGF-beta and cancer group; Psycho-oncology and digital health (PSODIG) group

18/03/2025 15:00-16:00

McClintock Room

Thesis: Implementació d’eines bioinformàtiques per la millora en el diagnòstic del càncer hereditari

Elisabet Munté Roca

Hereditary cancer group

18/03/2025 11:30-

Sala Pau Viladiu

#FacultySeminar: Visualizing the Dynamics of Epithelial Phagocytosis: From Homeostasis to Defense

Esteban Hoijman Kleinman

Embryonic cell bioimaging group

14/03/2025 13:00-14:00

Aula Blava

Som sinapsis: l’equilibri perfecte entre excitació i inhibició per entendre la vida.

Francisco J. López-Murcia

Cellular and molecular neurobiology group

13/03/2025 19:00-

Centre Cultural Sant Josep, L’Hospitalet

El cervell dels pacients amb epilèpsia: com ens ajuda a entendre el funcionament de la memòria?

Mercè Falip

Neurologic diseases and neurogenetics group

11/03/2025 19:00-

Centre Cultural Sant Josep, L’Hospitalet

#IDIBELLseminars: Developing the next generation of GE mouse models for investigation of thoracic cancers

Daniel Murphy

University of Glasgow

07/03/2025 13:00-14:00

Sala d’Actes Pau Viladiu

#IDIBELLfellows: Mareike Gröninger / Kevin Rivera

Mareike Gröninger, Kevin Rivera

Nutrition and Cancer group; Diabetes, nutrition and endocrinological diseases

04/03/2025 15:00-16:00

McClintock Meeting Room

#IDIBELLfellows: Judith Saura / Gustavo Jorge Molina

Judith Saura, Gustavo Jorge Molina

Tobacco Control Unit; Systemic, vascular diseases and ageing group

18/02/2025 15:00-

McClintock Room


11/02/2025 10:00-17:30

Sala d’Actes de l’HUB

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