
Breast prosthesis with active coverage to avoid infections

Problema a Solucionar

The management of the breast prosthetic infection usually involves the implant removal and reimplantation deferred, that implies a negative psychological impact for the patient. Thus, new type of prosthesis would be needed to avoiding this problem.



This type of breast implant is mainly concentrated in the field of breast reconstruction in patients with a mastectomy, as the highest rate of infection and complications relates to these types of procedures.

Another potential field would be elective surgery in patients who want breast augmentation using prostheses, in order to reduce possible complications arising from the colonization of the breast prosthesis especially in the field of cosmetic surgery.

Estado de la tecnología

Currently there have been identified the most common microorganisms responsible for these infections associated to breast prosthesis in patients. For the development of the-active drug coverage will be designed different textures in the laboratory with varying degree of texturing, different combinations of antibiotics and / or antimicrobial agents combined with different materials at the prosthetic coverage. IP status: patent on draft


The use of breast implant for aesthetic or reconstructive reason has become one of the most common procedures in the field of plastic surgery. These implants are eventually associated with several complications, like: hematoma, seroma, infection, capsular contracture. Currently the only treatment for infectious complication of breast prosthesis is to explant the prosthesis and combine it with prolonged antibiotic treatment. In many cases, despite long-term treatment with antibiotics, performing reimplantation implies reappearance of the infection that had remained latent or quartered in the surgical bed. Therefore, the prevention of infection is the most effective way to avoid immediate and long-term postoperative complications. Today the action protocol to prevent the infection, are preventive measures such as using double gloves, wash the prosthetic pocket with antiseptic solution, reduce handling time with the prosthesis and administering antibiotic prophylaxis during the first 24 hours peri-operative.


Using breast prosthesis with active coverage release drug combination (antibiotic / Ag) pretends to reduce the incidence of acute, subacute clinical and inadvertent infection which is one of the biggest problems, as it leads to a secondary surgery. The combination of antimicrobial agents, without the inclusion of Rifampin, may decrease the rate of infection of breast implants and especially the complications of the use of Rifampicin as an effective antimicrobial agent but little compatible with soft tissue, with unacceptable rates of periprosthetic fibrosis for breast procedures. We try to develop a more biocompatible coverage with bactericidal capacity and lower microbaterial adhesion to prevent biofilm formation.


Jesús A. González Martínez (HUB)

Technology Readiness Level


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