Last Friday, March 16th, the third edition of IDIBELL PhD Day took place at Duran i Reynals Hospital. This scientific symposium, organized by the predoctoral researchers of the Bellvitge Campus, aims to promote the research carried out by this researchers and encourage collaborations among the research groups they belong to. This year, approximately 150 people attended the various presentations, conferences and roundtables included in the program.
The opening table of the day was conducted by the director of IDIBELL, Dr. Gabriel Capellá, Dr. Josep Ramon Germà, director of clinical strategy, research and results of ICO, Dr. Francisco Ciruela, delegate of the Rector for strategic research actions of the UB, Dr. Montserrat Figuerola, ICS territorial manager at GTMS, and young researcher Yolanda Moyano, on behalf of the organizing committee. Through his interventions, all Campus Bellvitge partners expressed their will to support their youngest researchers.
Throughout the day, 10 oral presentations and 34 scientific posters were presented and evaluated by a jury specifically selected for the event. As for scientific posters, in this edition the popular prize category, chosen by registered attendants, was reinstated.
Dr. Mara Dierssen, leader of the research group on cellular and systems neurobiology of the Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG), was the keynote speaker of IDIBELL PhD day, with a conference entitled “A Glimpse into of future through studying the brain”, in which she presented not only her research, but also her motivations to follow a scientific career. In the afternoon, a round table on ethics in science was held with the participation of Isabel Fabregat (IDIBELL), Víctor Sastre (AMIFE), Núria Sala (IDIBELL) and Garikoitz Azkona (PRBB).
At the end of the day, IDIBELL PhD Day prizes were awarded, sponsored by the City Council of L’Hospitalet and FEBS journal. The Councilman for Culture and Social Innovation of the City of L’Hospitalet, David Quirós, delivered the awards to the best oral communication for Marta Valle and second best oral communication for Carmen Herranz; Dr. Isabel Fabregat, on behalf of FEBS journal, gave the two best poster awards to Roser Pons-Cursach and Maria isabel González-Acosta; and the young researcher Iratxe Zuazo, on behalf of the organizing committee, delivered the prize for the best poster by popular vote to Paula Llabata.
Councilman David Quirós qualified the symposium as successful both in terms of participation and scientific quality. Quirós, transferring the message of the mayoress Núria Marín, called on the young researchers to keep studying, researching, organizing and participating in initiatives such as the Phd day, which allow them to grow and strengthen their careers. |
The IDIBELL PhD Day grows stronger in its third edition