Hero Beats

Hero Beats: therapy in your pocket

Problema a Solucionar

Impulsive-compulsive spectrum disorders (ICSDs) represent a great challenge for mental health professionals, as they are present in several psychopathologies, such as behavioural addictions (BA), like gambling disorder or gaming addiction, and eating disorders (ED), like bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. According to empirical evidence, such patients show a lack of strategies to cope with strong emotional states and tend to show high relapse and dropout rates from traditional therapies.


Oportunidades de mercado

With an initial focus in gambling and gaming addictions and EDs among the different ICSDs, they represent between 1-3% of the global population. There are no clinically validated serious games in the market for ICSDs. Solution applicable to well-being and stress management.


Hero Beats is a Digital Serious Game that works as a complement to standard Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) in ICSDs. By means of a biosensor connected to the app, patients receive feedback on the heart rate variability, training in the identification of emotional states that can alter this physiological measure. To date, it has been successfully implemented in 50 patients with ICSDs, showing a reduction in relapse by combining CBT and Hero Beats and increasing adherence to treatment up to 85%.


Susana Jiménez-Murcia

Technology Readiness Level


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