
First-in-class TREX2 inhibitors to treat psoriasis and atopic dermatitis

Problema a Solucionar

Psoriasis and dermatitis are serious common skin inflammatory diseases with important and challenging unmet medical needs to date. So far, these diseases have no cure and require life-long and long-term treatments, resulting in a high burden for patients and elevated health care costs. Available treatments and most of the pharmacological therapies in development, target immune system players that over time may develop broad adverse side effects. So far, biologic agents for atopic dermatitis show relatively low efficacy. Therefore, novel therapies with improved specificity, efficacy and safety are needed.



Our technology refers to the first-in-class small molecules that selectively and effectively inhibit TREX2 exonuclease and their therapeutic applications, as a non-immunosuppressive skin directed drug for psoriasis and dermatitis.


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Partners for license agreement and/other type of collaboration with industrial partners

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