PhD Day 2024
Campus Bellvitge UB
PhD Day 2024 program (download in pdf)
8:00 -9:00 Registration
9:00 -9:30 Opening ceremony Welcome address (IDIBELL Scientific director / Area coordinators / PhD Committee)
Oral Session: Neuroscience (Chair: Aurora Pujol)
9:30 -9:45 Oral Sessions–Valentina Baruffi
9:45 -10:00 Oral Sessions–Audrey De Paepe
Oral Session: Regenerative Medicine (Chair: Jordi Guiu)
10:00 -10:15 Oral Sessions–Akshay Jaya Ganesh
10:15 -10:30 Oral Sessions–Ángel Fernández
10:30 -11:30 Coffee break and Poster Session 1
11:30h –12:30h Workshop: Lisa Saemisch(TPM Science) -AI tools for effective reading
12:30 -13:30 Round Table: Artificial Intelligence In The Scientific Career. Ignasi Cos (UB) –Paula Petrone (ISGLOBAL) –Alfredo Vellido (UPC) –Carme Zambrana (BSC-CNS) –Antonio del Sol Mesa (ICIC bioGUNE, Bizkaia TechnologyPark)
13:30 -15:00 Lunch break and Poster Session 2
Oral Session: Translational Medicine (Chair: Sara Martí)
15:00-15:15 Oral Sessions–Kevin Rivera
15:30 -16:30 Keynote Speaker: Antonio del Sol Mesa (ICIC bioGUNE, Bizkaia TechnologyPark)
Oral Session: Cancer (Chair: Álvaro Aytes)
16:30 -16:45 Oral Sessions –Manuel Torralba
16:45 -17:00 Oral Sessions–Felix Peix
17:00 -17:15 Oral Sessions-Núria Nadal
17:15 -17:30 Oral Sessions–Eduard Roca
17:30 -17:45 Closing Ceremony and Awards: Gabriel Capellà
18:00 -20:00 Networking