Dr. Gabriela Abelenda receives a Juan Rodés postdoctoral scholarship for her research on respiratory infections

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Dr. Gabriela Abelenda has been awarded a Juan Rodés postdoctoral scholarship to continue research on respiratory infections, the Antibiotic Use Optimization Program (PROA) incorporating a “One Health” perspective in the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL) and Bellvitge University Hospital respiratory infections and in the immunocompromised patient research group.

With this scholarship, Dra. Abelenda will continue her healthcare work in hospitalization, external consultations and interconsultancy, and will deepen her research in respiratory infections. His work will focus on PROA strategies to improve the use of antibiotics and the management of both community and nosocomial respiratory infection.

This scholarship will also allow Dra. Abelenda to carry out national and international training stays in reference centers, with the aim of expanding his knowledge and promoting new perspectives in the management of respiratory infections.

The Juan Rodés contracts, part of the Carlos III Institute’s Strategic Health Action, funds the hiring of faculty with a PhD and research experience in health sciences and technologies for four years. In addition, these grants allow the creation and coverage of permanent jobs after the end of the scholarship.

This recognition is a great opportunity for IDIBELL and HUB, reinforcing their commitment to research and the continuous improvement of patient care.



The Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL) is a biomedical research center created in 2004. It is participated by the Bellvitge University Hospital and the Viladecans Hospital of the Catalan Institute of Health, the Catalan Institute of Oncology, the University of Barcelona and the City Council of L’Hospitalet de Llobregat.

IDIBELL is a member of the Campus of International Excellence of the University of Barcelona HUBc and is part of the CERCA institution of the Generalitat de Catalunya. In 2009 it became one of the first five Spanish research centers accredited as a health research institute by the Carlos III Health Institute. In addition, it is part of the “HR Excellence in Research” program of the European Union and is a member of EATRIS and REGIC. Since 2018, IDIBELL has been an Accredited Center of the AECC Scientific Foundation (FCAECC).

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