Francisco Miguel Torres, new responsible of quality and scientific indicators management at IDIBELL


This year has been incorporated Francisco Miguel Torres in the IDIBELL as a new quality manager and responsible of scientific indicators of the institution.

Francisco Miguel Torres graduated in Biology at the University of Barcelona and did a doctorate at the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO). He worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB) and then went on to work in private enterprise, in the spin-off ReadyCell.

This new position of manager of scientific indicators created by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III aims to standardize the summary of scientific activity, the read out, of the affiliated institutes. “The IDIBELL’s direction” Torres said “understands that the indicators, which are the analysis of scientific activity, are closely linked to quality, to how things should be done. It’s all part of the same circuit and IDIBELL’s commitment has been to hire a unique person for both responsibilities”.

Francisco Miguel Torres explained that the first challenge that arises is to design circuits to automate reading scientific indicators effectively. “My perspective comes from my experience: Analyze, plan and act prioritizing effectiveness: the results are good and that the system works regardless of who is responsible.”

The ISCIII contract is for three years and Francisco Miguel Torres the objective is that the improvements that have been implemented at this time on management of indicators and quality is maintained over time indefinitely.

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