Catalan Health Department promotes healthy habits to reduce cancer risk


Health Department

has introduced the new European Code Against Cancer on the occasion of the celebration of World Cancer Day on February 4th. The forecast for 2015 is that 39,898 new cases of cancer (23,636 in men and 16,262 in women) will be diagnosed in Catalonia. It is the leading cause of death in men and the second in women.

These data indicate the need to maintain and strengthen preventive, early detection and improved care and treatment of tumors. Indeed, the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization (WHO-IARC) has recently updated the European Code Against Cancer, which focuses on the important role of prevention and early detection of certain tumors combating the impact of this disease. It is considered that up to 50% of tumors can be prevented. The new Code indicates 12 shares, supported by the latest scientific evidence, that citizens could do to adopt a healthy lifestyle. The success of this strategy is the result of individual action of individuals and society, government and the system, creating a healthier environment (eg, regulation of smoke free)

The European Code Against Cancer stresses the importance of avoiding snuff, limit consumption of alcohol or excessive sun exposure, to maintain a healthy weight and physical activity. It also recommends participation in population screening programs for breast, cervical and colorectal cancer. This update also includes the recommendation of vaccination against human papillomavirus, to promote breastfeeding and to limit the use of hormone replacement therapy.

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