300 people participate in Carlos III Institute Conference on Biomedical Research Management

The symposium was inaugurated by the General Secretary of Strategy and Coordination of the Catalan Ministry of Health, Miquel Gomez; by the Bellvitge Hospital managing director and Chairman of IDIBELL’s Board of Directors, Xavier Corbella, and by IDIBELL’s general manager, Emilià Pola.

During his speech, Xavier Corbella talked about the need to join research and management. The Hospital’s managing director reminded the audience that the ultimate goal of research management was to bring research results to the company and, finally, to the patient. For this reason, he said, is very important specializing in research management.

Research is a team effort, said IDIBELL’s general manager. Emilià Pola made a simile with a cycling team participating in the Tour of France. “Behind a cyclist there is a team of many people who work for the athlete to succeed” he said.

Finally, Miquel Gomez talked about the recent changing in research management, an area that lately has become highly specialized. The General Secretary on Strategy and Coordination of the Ministry of Health spoke about the need to coordinate various research institutes in order to achieve transfer of research results more efficiently.

High participation

The presentations were above all, practical, and the public participation during question time was very high. The conference was divided into several panels. The first of them dealt with justification and monitoring of research projects and infrastructures. The second panel dealt with human resources in biomedical research. After lunch, the third and final panel discussion dealt with the electronic signature.

At the end of the symposium, two associations were presented. The Spanish Association of Research Managers Health Sciences (AGESTI-Health), which represents professionals in the management of research, and administrative entities Network of Clinical Research and Bio-Health Hospital (Regice), which represents institutions.

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